Classes in ES6

ES6 gave us the ability to create classes in Javascript without using prototypes. Class based components are commonly used in React as they allow state to be stored amongst other things. To instantiate a class: Subclasses Subclasses allow us to extend existing classes.

JavaScript Array Methods

Let’s spend a bit of time going over some common array methods in Javascript. forEach As the name implies, this loops over items in an array. Moving forward we will only use arrow functions. map Map works in a similar way to except that it returns an array, with the ability to…

Mounting A Server 2012 R2 Deduped Volume in Server 2016

Server 2016 includes a number of improvements to deduplication, which left me a wondering whether a deduped volume created in Server 2012 R2 can be mounted and read by Server 2016. Why would you want to do this? Well, my experience has been that dedupe in 2012 isn’t fantastic…

Hiding specific drives via GPO

There is an existing GPO which allows drives to be hidden, however, this is limited to pre-defined drive letters (A, B, C, D - or some variation of those) which isn’t particularly useful if you have other drives you’d like hidden. There is a clever way around this using GPP Drive…

PowerShell DSC Primer

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) works in either Push or Pull mode. In Push mode the DSC configuration is ‘pushed’ to the server (usually by copying the files), and executed there. In Pull mode, the server queries a Pull server and grabs it’s own configuration. Pull…

Cisco router configuration for Australian 3G or 4G connectivity

There is very little in the way of solid documentation on configuring Cisco devices with cellular interfaces to work with Australian carriers, especially Optus. The first thing to note is that Optus only support static public IPs on 3G connections, while by default the cellar…

JavaScript concepts

I’ve been spending some time delving into JavaScript to get a better understanding of the language as I’m finding myself using it more and more. This is a summary of some of the concepts and fundamentals I wanted to jot down for future reference. Objects and this One key feature…

MSSQL DateTime Select

I’ve got a table with a ‘datetime’ field and I needed to retrieve rows from a specific year (2016) and month (December). After unsuccessfully trying a few of the usual statements a bit of research led me to the function. A list of valid arguments can be found on MSDN