Detecting Active Windows XP Computers with PowerShell and dsquery

With support for XP ending, the following are two ways to list currently active XP workstations.

For Server 2008 R2 and later, using the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module provides nicer output with more detail.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$XP = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "*XP*"} `
    -Properties Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem, `
        OperatingSystemServicePack, OperatingSystemVersion, PasswordLastSet, `
        whenCreated, whenChanged, LastLogonTimestamp, nTSecurityDescriptor, `
        DistinguishedName |
    Where-Object {$_.whenChanged -gt $((Get-Date).AddDays(-65))} |
    Select-Object Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem, `
        OperatingSystemServicePack, OperatingSystemVersion, PasswordLastSet, `
        whenCreated, whenChanged, `
          Expression={[datetime]::FromFileTimeUTC($_.LastLogonTimestamp)}}, `
          Expression={$_.nTSecurityDescriptor.Owner}}, `

Write-Output $XP

For DCs pre Server 2008 R2, similar results can be retrieved with dsquery. Firstly, we need to generate the int64 formatted timestamp


Once we have the timestamp we can plug it into the dsquery command.

dsquery * domainRoot -filter "(&(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows XP*)(lastLogonTimestamp>=TIMESTAMP))"

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