Remove CCP from Cisco Routers

This removes default installed Cisco Configuration Professional from Cisco Routers. Remember to disable HTTP/S services as well.

Cisco 887 integrated AP802 frequent reloads

I’ve come across this issue on a number of occasions now. The symptom is the internal access point which ships with the C887VA-W routers, specifically the AP802GN-A-K9, frequently reloading, with no apparent reason. There are two root causes I’m aware of. The first is outdated…

Cisco IP Phone App Primer

Cisco IP phones have the ability to access XML based apps, these tend to be used for fairly generic things such as providing weather details. The content is delivered via HTTP, the URL to the services is provided in the phone configuration file, using the element, for example…

Regex for Cisco IOS Firewall/IP Inspection Sessions

Cisco devices running IOS come with a feature called CBAC which can be configured to allow return traffic back into a network while maintaining a ACL on the external interface. In times past this was achieved through reflexive ACLs, using the keyword in the ACL, or in some…

PowerCLI one liners

Instead of keeping a text file of random one-liners I’ve used in the past, I figured it may be more convenient to put it online. Clear CD-ROM for all VMs Display VMs with floppy drives Display IP address of all VMs. Requires VMware Tools installed Display MAC address of all VMs…