DNS Name Resolution In Azure

In this post we’re going to cover the services and features Azure provides for DNS name resolution inside the cloud and to multi-cloud/on-prem resources. We’ll be covering Azure Provided DNS Public DNS Names for Azure VMs Azure DNS Private Zones, and Azure DNS Private Resolver…

Deploying Azure Application Gateway - Part 1: Intro And Basic Deployment

I’ve recently spend some time with Azure Application Gateway and wanted to put my notes in a format that can benefit others. Part 1 will be an overview of Azure Application Gateway and walking through the process of creating very simple deployment using the Azure CLI. Part 2 will…

Sending Text To BMC (iDRAC, XClarity, iLO, Etc) Remote Consoles

I wasn’t planning on writing a post on this but after spending far too long looking for a simple solution I figured it was worth sharing. Plus I haven’t blogged in a while so this is what you get 😀. The problem You’re connected to the remote console using Dell iDRAC, Lenovo…

Getting the Veeam B&R Version and Build with PowerShell

There are a few ways to get the version of a Veeam Backup & Replication install, most of the online content points you towards querying the property of the file. And this works quite well if you just want to the version, but it doesn’t give you the full build which changes with…

Determining The Currently Installed Exchange Cumulative Update

Quick and short post today - we’re going to be retrieving the current Cumulative Update (CU) level of Exchange servers. There are already a ton of articles covering this but they all have one problem, they extract the Exchange build number using PowerShell and then ask you to…